EuroEyes Signs Tri-Party Agreement of Mutual Cooperation with Leading Medical Universities in the PRC and Germany

EuroEyes International Eye Clinic Limited announced on 27 July that it has signed a tri-party agreement of mutual cooperation (“AMC”) with the Eye Center of Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Zhejiang University Eye Hospital and The David J. Apple International Laboratory for Ocular Pathology & International Vision Correction Research Centre (IVCRC), University Eye Clinic of the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg. The AMC aims to establish closer cooperation between eye care professionals in the PRC and Germany that could foster new innovations in ophthalmology, and enhance the skills of surgeons at EuroEyes and in the two countries who could contribute to the continued development in eye care.
The online signing ceremony was co-chaired by Prof. HUANG Jian, Executive Vice President of The Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine and Prof. Dr. Gerd U. Auffarth, Chairman of University Eye Clinic of the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg. Other representatives from China include Prof. WANG Jian’an, Head of The Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine; Prof. YAO Ke, and JIN Xiuming, the Chair and Deputy-Chair of Eye Center of The Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine; YANG Mingli, Director of International Affairs Office of The Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine and Mr. Michael ZHANG, COO of China of EuroEyes International Clinics. The German representatives are Dr. med. Jørn S. Jørgensen, Founder, Chairman and CEO of EuroEyes and Prof. Dr. Michael Knorz, EuroEyes Senior Vice President and Professor of Ophthalmology at University of Heidelberg, Medical Faculty Mannheim.
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The AMC includes joint participation in respective scientific and educational activities, such as research projects and publication of findings, advocacy campaigns, and organisation of conferences, all of which to help discover breakthroughs in ophthalmology.
All parties will also establish an exchange programme for young doctors to conduct scientific research, improve surgical skills, and share experiences in the different locations. Ophthalmologists from EuroEyes, Heidelberg University Eye Clinic and Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine will have the opportunity to pursue a 3 to 6 months fellowship in the PRC and Germany.
Participants from the PRC will be able to pursue a PhD thesis and gain experience at an EuroEyes clinic in Germany; those from Germany will be able to participate in research projects and are enabled to perform surgery to improve their experiences in intraocular lens surgery, laser vision correction and cataract complication management.
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Dr. med. Jørn S. Jørgensen, Founder, Chairman and CEO of EuroEyes, said: “We are excited to foster the alliances of medical and science development among EuroEyes, Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine and Heidelberg University Eye Clinic. We believe the collaboration will help EuroEyes identify talented students and surgeons in the PRC, offering them with local understandings, postgraduate experiences and knowledge exchanges in Germany. Meanwhile, surgeons in Germany will be given opportunities to possess a wealth of on-the-ground experience in the PRC. This programme could help EuroEyes address any unmet medical needs in both markets, while at the same time help nurture a new generation of eye doctors. We will put a lot of effort into this collaboration and we look forward to working together.”
Professor Yao Ke, Chair of Eye Center of Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Zhejiang University Eye Hospital, said: “Zhejiang University has kept a close relationship with Heidelberg University and the experts from EuroEyes for the past decades, and today we are pleased to witness this crucial moment of taking our collaboration to a next level. The new fellowship programme will help train a large number of medical students and refractive surgeons, furnish them with excellent trainings and years of surgical experiences from both countries. This would allow us to share the best practices and together discover medical breakthroughs in ophthalmology, all of which will benefit patients worldwide.”
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Professor Dr. Gerd U. Auffarth, Chairman of University Eye Clinic of the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, said: “This AMC is an all-win situation for the three parties and we are pleased to be part of it. It is a remarkable achievement to gather ophthalmology, education and entrepreneurship at this high level. With the support from Dr. Jørgensen, who is the creative power behind the collaboration, the exchange between PhD students and doctors from all parties could be carried out in a more formalised way. As Dr. Jørgensen brought the excellence of German ophthalmology to China, we are delighted to have Chinese ophthalmologists in Germany to share their expertise and know-hows. This AMC will certainly lead us to a bright future and we look forward to working together.”
Dr. Jørn S. Jørgensen added: “Despite the challenges brought by severe COVID-19 situations in China and unfavourable global environment in the first half of the year, we managed to remain resistant to the external challenges. We have been prudent in our expansion plan, strive to improve our profitability, and maintain a healthy cash flow. With our far-reaching geographical coverage with operations in Germany, China, Denmark and United Kingdom, which helps diversity potential business risks from a single market, we are confident in the sustainable growth of the Group.”
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